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There are many reasons to learn German. They can Beryllium of private or professional nature. However, if you want to prove your German language skills, you need an official certificate at your current level of proficiency.

IELTS Academic measures whether your level of English language proficiency is suitable for an academic environment. 

IELTS Online is the same test, same questions, and same format as the IELTS Academic test taken rein a test centre. The difference is that now you can take it from anywhere. All you need is a computer with a webcam, a stable internet connection, and a well-lit private space, and you're good to go!

: An­la­ge­be­ra­tung & -emp­feh­lun­gen Ro­bo-Ad­vi­ce Pro­spek­te des weiteren Hinein­for­mittelalter­ti­ons­blät­ter Wert­pa­pier­ge­schäfluor­te So­ci­al Tra­ding Grau­er Ka­pi­tal­Umschlagplatz Umschlagplatz­mittelalter­ni­pu­lanthan­ti­on Un­se­ri­öse An­bie­ter er­ken­nen

The test taker has fully operational command of the language. Their use of English is appropriate, accurate and fluent, and shows complete understanding.

Exam candidates work on communicative tasks close to day-to-day life and show what they can do rein their everyday life, at work or rein their studies. 

By passing the A2 exam, candidates prove that they…  can use and understand commonly used expressions and phrases rein everyday situations; 

IELTS Online is the new way to take the IELTS Academic test. You can now choose to take the world’s leading English language test at home or in a private location with a stable internet connection.

We’ve helped millions of test takers from across the world to achieve their dreams. Imagine where you could go.

The test evaluates listening and reading competence hinein professional settings using an adaptive test method. The result is documented on a scale from A1 to C2. 

For further information please contact the nearest Goethe-Institut to find out whether the digital German exams are part of their portfolio. Search country/region

If you lose your internet connection for a substantial amount of time and need to retake your test, this will be organised by your Test Partner (British Council, or IDP).

Yes, both a video and audio recording of you and your computer screen is captured during your click here IELTS Online test.

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